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Interactive Container lifecycle

You perform actions on interactive containers- from creation to deletion, the state of the containers is closely related to resources, data, and billing. This article will explain in detail all the relationships between life cycle states, meanings, and billing of the container from creation to deletion.

The transition between the action and the container state:

  • The relationship between container state, state description, and usage billing is shown in the following table:
Container stateState descriptionContainer usage billing
InitializingThe container is preparing to enter Ready state.
Create the container: the system is allocating resources and initializing the container
Not billed
ReadyThe initialization has been completed, and the container can be connected and used normallyBilled
DeletingThe container is being deleted and will be permanently deleted.Billed

If the initializing fails, and the container is in Error state, then it will not be billed at all states.

Create a container

When you create a container, the system allocates resources and initializes the container, and the container enters in Initializing state. The container still cannot be used but will enter in Ready state soon. Once the container enters in the Ready state, you can perform the following actions:

  • Connect to the container
  • Create container images
  • Associate, dissociate service ports... and other operations.

Please refer to the creation steps Create a container.

Delete a container

If you want to delete a container permanently and no longer use it, click delete, then the container will enter in the Deleting state, and will still be billed. After the deletion is complete, the container will disappear from the list.

Notice of deletion:

  • The data in the container system directory will be permanently deleted. If you need to keep it, you can create Container images.
  • /home, /work data (Hyper File System storage space) will be retained and will not be removed as the container is deleted.

For deletion steps, see delete a container for more information.